The 3rd International Forum on Homogeneous Catalysis and the First China-Spain Bilateral Symposium on Catalysis co-organized by Professor Antonio M. Echavarren at Spanish ICIQ and Academician Ma Shengming at the Institute was held in Shanghai during September 23 ~ 28, 2008.
This symposium was supported by China-Spain National Natural Science Foundations and Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, 24 scientists were invited to give 30 minutes’ academic reports respectively and 5 minutes’ discussion was arranged. The Chinese representatives included Academician Lu Xiyan and Researcher Hou Xuelong, Liu Yuanhong and You Shuli at the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS, Researcher Zhou Yonggui at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, Professor Wang Jianbo and Shi Zhangjie at the Peking University and Professor Zhou Qilin at the Nankai University; Spanish representatives included José Luis Professor Mascareñas and Carlos Saá at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Professor Daniel Carmona at the Universidad de Zaragoza-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas,Professor José Gimeno at the Universidad de Oviedo,Professor Carmen Claver at the University Rovira i Virgili, Professor Feliu Maseras, Miquel A. Pericàs, Anton Vidal and Antonio M. Echavarren at the ICIQ,Professor Gregorio Asensio at the Universidad de Valencia and Professor Eduardo Peris at the Universidat Jaume I; There were also Professor Mark Lautens at the University of Toronto, Canada, Professor F. Dean Toste at the University of California and Professor Liming Zhang at the University of Nevada USA, Professor Tamio Hayashi at the Kyoto University of Japan and Professor Moshe Kol at the Tel Aviv University of Israel.
State Key Lab of Organometallic Chemistry |